Forte dei Marmi

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Do you remember when we were kids on the swing? We breathed hard, letting ourselves go in the air as the horizon went up and down in front of us.
We used to smile because we felt free and happy.
Well, I discovered that the swing is not just a game for children: in Tuscany, near Forte dei Marmi, there is a special swing made especially for adults, suspended on the wonderful valleys at the foot of Monte Forato and surrounded by wild nature of the Apuan Alps.
Monte Forato
I can say that the Swing of Monte Forato is one of the most exciting and incredible attractions in Italy.
To reach it, it is necessary to face a rather demanding mountain path (about six hours) that takes us along the most evocative and hidden paths of the Apuan Alps, at a height of about 1,200 meters above sea level.
At the end of the journey you will arrive to two peaks of similar height and size with a wide hole in between, that creates a large natural rock arch between the two peaks: a window that frames the sky and the sea of Versilia.
Here a 30-meter-long swing hangs: you wear a harness and then off, you start flying, swinging without brakes on the spectacular beauty of this side of Garfagnana.
Do not worry, you will not be alone: with you there will be the Garfagnana Guides, professional mountain guides who have been organizing the excursions to the Swing of Monte Forato for years and make sure that each participant is carefully monitored.
How to organize a fly on the Swing of Monte Forato
Planning a flight on the Swing of Monte Forato is the perfect opportunity to visit the Apuan Alps Park, the so-called Valley of Wonders, one of the most fascinating intact areas of Tuscany, dotted with karstic canyons and mule tracks overlooking the forests today inhabited by wolves and golden eagles.
If you suffer from vertigo, maybe this experience is not for you, but if you are a fan of great adventures, then it is worth taking a flight on the Swing of Monte Forato: just arm yourself with a little courage, cold blood and of course, of a pinch of madness. For the rest, the adrenaline is guaranteed!
Information and reservations:
* The cost of the experience is € 40.00 per person
* Detailed information can be found on the official website of http://www.garfagnanaguide.it/
* The excursion to the Swing on Mount Forato is scheduled only on specific dates: the next ones are 19 and 29 August 2018; September 15, 2018.
For our guests it is easy to book the experience, just ask the front desk of the St. Mauritius hotel: we will help you organize it.

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